For your convenience we have made a block booking at three hotels (approximately 20 rooms per hotel). Regina Margherita is a 4 star hotel only 350 m from the conference venue. Hotel Panorama is a little further away (less than 10 minutes by bus), but it's closer to the beach and it also offers triple and quadruple rooms. Hotel Italia is a 3 stars hotel also very close (350 m) to the conference venue and in the very centre of Cagliari. When booking one of these hotels please indicate the reservation code "EVN2014". Block booking deadline is July 15 for Hotels Regina Margherita and Italia, and July 31 for Hotel Panorama. Below we also suggest alternative accommodations (either hotels or B&Bs) in the vicinity of the conference venue. At the bottom of the page you will find a map with the locations of all suggested accommodations.
Hotel Regina Margherita


E-mail: info@thotel.it Sardegna Hotel

E-mail: sarhotel@tin.it Hotel Due Colonne

E-mail: hotelduecolonne@libero.it Quattro Mori

La Ghirlanda B&B Via L. Baylle 7, 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 2040610 ; +39 339 8892648 Web site: http://www.laghirlandacagliari.it E-mail: laghirlanda@tiscali.it Le Suite sul Corso B&B Corso Vittorio Emanuele 8, 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 680250 ; +39 349 4469789 Web site: http://www.lesuitesulcorso.it E-mail: info@lesuitesulcorso.it Sa Domu Cheta B&B Via Portoscalas 30, Cagliari Tel. +39 070 655002 - Fax +39 070 4603741 Web site: http://www.sadomucheta.it E-mail: info@sadomucheta.it The Place Cagliari B&B Via Sant'Efisio 59/61, Cagliari Tel. +39 070 680165 ; +39 328 3193258 - Fax +39 070 7962056 Web site: http://www.theplacecagliari.com E-mail: info@theplacecagliari.com Centro Storico Via Manno B&B Vico Manno 1, 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 335 8302020 ; +39 338 6341476 Web site: http://www.centrostoricoviamanno.it E-mail: info@centrostoricoviamanno.it Note Sulla Piazza B&B Piazza Yenne 36, 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 347 9550477 ; +39 348 7029558 Web site: http://www.notesullapiazza.it (under construction) E-mail: info@notesullapiazza.it Sardinia Domus B&B Largo Carlo Felice 26, 09124 Cagliari Tel. +39 070 659783 ; +39 338 1613081 Web site:http://www.sardiniadomus.it
E-mail: info@sardiniadomus.it
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